Posted on by Kyu Suh


A new wig equals a new you.

If you’re looking to take your wig game to the next level, it’s time to invest in a lace front wig. Still, for many beginners, properly applying a lace front wig can be tricky. There are a number of steps that must be followed carefully in order to get your wig on right, and it’s best not to rush into them.

After all, you don’t want your new wig to go on crooked.

Knowing this, let’s look at the eight steps to properly applying your lace front wig.

  1. Test Your Adhesive

Before you apply your wig, it’s worth testing your adhesive to make sure it doesn’t cause any violent reactions with your skin. In some rare cases, standard liquid adhesives and wig tape can cause redness or irritation of the skin.

For this reason, you want to test your adhesive before use. To do this, simply put a small bit of liquid adhesive or wig tape onto a visible area of your skin (perhaps on your hand or arm) and wait for a period of twenty-four hours to see if the adhesive causes any irritation.

In the event that it does, don’t worry. You’ll still be able to wear your wig. Simply invest in a hypoallergenic adhesive instead, and you should be good to go.

  1. Fasten Your Hair Down

You won’t get very far with your new wig if you don’t keep your natural hair under control. If you don’t want to get a full-blown haircut, you’ll have to find ways to keep your hair down so that your wig can go on evenly.

Fortunately, there are a number of ways that you can do this. For example, you may decide to keep your hair down with strong gels or with bobby pins. Other popular options include putting your hair into corn rolls. Whatever you choose, make sure that your hair is sufficiently flattened and not raised.

  1. Wear a Wig Cap

If your hair is still long, you will need to invest in a wig cap. Wig caps help your hair stay flat and keep your wig even. When you put on your wig cap, you should be careful to not uproot your already-fastened hair.

Applying your wig cap is simple, but you will want to be careful to get it right. When you put the cap on, make sure that it barely covers your hairline. You don’t want the cap being too close to your face, as it will interfere with your wig’s aesthetics.

Keep in mind that those with shorter hair won’t always need a wig cap. This option is largely for women who have long hair or hair that is harder to keep down.

  1. Do Skin Prep

Before you put on your wig, you will want to cleanse your skin and make sure it’s free of any contaminants. In order to do this, gently wash your skin, towel drying it when you are done. Once this step is complete, use a Q-tip to cover your hairline with rubbing alcohol.

Some women choose to use scalp-protecting serums. If you wish to use one of these products, simply apply the serum the same way you applied the alcohol and wait for it to dry.

  1. Put on Your Wig

Fitting your wig is one of the most important steps of the process. You will want to make sure that your wig is positioned evenly with your hairline. Front lace wigs require that you get your hairline exactly even so that you will have a natural looking end product.

If your wig has tightening straps, don’t be afraid to use them. You may need to tighten your wig for it to have an ideal fit. You will know if you need to tighten your wig if it feels too loose or is moving on your head. Conversely, you don’t want a wig that feels too tight, as this can give you a headache and cause serious discomfort. As such, make sure to loosen your straps if your wig is too tight.

  1. Trim the Lace

Even if your wig fits properly, you aren’t quite done with applying your wig. Even with the best lace front wigs, you will often be required to trim the lace. In order to accomplish this, simply clip your hair so that it isn’t close to your face. Make sure to follow this important safety step.

Once this is done, trim the extra lace that goes across your hairline. In general, you should leave around 1/8 inch of lace. If your lace front wig already looks natural, don’t worry. Simply wear without cutting, and you should be good to go.

  1. Apply the Tested Adhesive

Once you are done trimming the lace, remove your wig and begin applying your tested adhesive. If you are using wig tape, make sure that you place this tape in small pieces along your natural hairline. Make sure to apply the tape evenly so that you aren’t getting an uneven end product. It will also help to ensure that all your tape pieces touch each other. Remember: don’t leave any gaps!

When you’ve successfully lined your hairline, remove the tape’s foam padding.

If using liquid adhesive, make sure that you apply the adhesive evenly across your natural hairline. Don’t leave any gaps. For best results, consider using a new makeup brush. Depending on whether you bought a soft or hard bond adhesive, you may need to wait to apply your wig. In general, only hard bond adhesives facilitate immediate wig application.

  1. Put on Your Wig

Now the fun part! Apply your wig carefully so that it matches your natural hairline exactly. Then position the back of the wig naturally over your head. Make sure to use a mirror or have a friend monitor you as you apply the wig, as you will not be able to cleanly remove the wig once it has been pressed into your chosen adhesive.